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We are a community of people who love Jesus and want to share His transforming love in Hemel, the UK and through our connections across the world

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 Lead Pastors
David & Caroline Young


We have been part of the church family for over 30 years. Over this time we have been involved in many areas of

the church life and then became the Lead Pastors in 2012.


We place a high value on relationships and seeing Jesus transform lives. We are passionate about community transformation through local and overseas connections.

We value coming alongside people, releasing them in their God-given callings and seeing their ministries grow.


We have 4 amazing children, 1 grandson and the newest addition Coco – our cute but crazy dog! We love family time and play a mean game of scrabble. We enjoy long walks, sunshine, good food and lots of laughs!

Leadership Team


David & Caroline Young

Lead Pastors

"We are passionate about community transformation through local and overseas connections, and seeing Jesus transform lives! We love family time and play a mean game of scrabble"


Derek & Penny Oliver

Route 61 Founders

"We are passionate for everyone to intimately connect with the heart of God and feel His love. We also enjoy walks in creation (especially spotting birdlife) reading and sharing our meal table"


Jemma Young

HHCC Admin & Media

"I am passionate about giving Jesus the worship and the glory He deserves. I also love good food, good company, long walks and a good TV series"


Sarah Bennett

DENS Foodbank

"I have a heart to see God's unconditional love transforming a community one individual at a time. I enjoy walking, my allotment and baking"


Mike & Bethany Downing


"We are passionate about families, actively loving and accepting others the way that Jesus did and we love to worship. Bethany is a book addict and you will often find Michael perusing the Right Move app for doer uppers - he's a dreamer!"


Julian & Annette Hobbs


"We are passionate for everyone to intimately connect with the heart of God and feel His love. We also enjoy walks in creation (especially spotting birdlife) reading and sharing our meal table"

Value & Beliefs
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Harvest Alliance

We are a part of a wider global family of Churches and Ministries, of which we embrace their FIRE values

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What we Value

We love Jesus, love Family and love our Community.

What we Believe

As longstanding members of the Evangelical Alliance, we fully embrace their Basis of Faith

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