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What We Value


Love Jesus

Everything starts with knowing that we are loved by God, our Heavenly Father. His love and salvation for us are perfectly and clearly revealed in Jesus Christ. His heart is for everyone to know Him. Our response to His free gift of love is to receive Him into our lives and love Him with all of hearts.


As we connect with His heart, we start a relationship with Him that flourishes and grows, through faith and in community with God’s family. Out of our love, we worship Him, we pray, we cherish His words, we seek to serve Him and be led by Him.


Love Family

We love our church family. Our heart is to be friendly, inclusive and compassionate, valuing and encouraging one another as we share life together. Our desire is to encourage everyone to get involved in church life.


As a church family we value and celebrate every individual and their unique gifts and talents. We encourage and support one another, providing mentoring and teaching to help every individual realise their God given potential.

Image by Kenny Eliason

Love Community

We love Hemel and want to share the transforming love of Jesus with our town. We value and celebrate the great things that are happening in our community. Our heart is to serve our community especially those affected by poverty or who are marginalised. We want to be outward facing, involved in and influencing what takes place in our town.


As a church family we are actively involved in supporting many great community projects that serve our town, (see on our Community page).

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